Chiropractic Adjustments
The goal of chiropractic adjustments is to correct joint dysfunction in the body, which is evaluated by the trained hands of a chiropractic physician. Joint dysfunction is a mechanical joint problem resulting from derangement of the joint and its tissues – The joint becomes restricted or isn't moving correctly. An adjustment is manually applied via a Doctor’s hands, controlled force into joints and tissues that have become restricted. Adjustments restore mobility, decrease pain, inflammation, and tightness, which then allow the tissues to heal.
What is Chiropractic?
The word Chiropractic means to do by hand. It is a natural form of healthcare with primary expertise and emphasis on the body’s neuromusculoskeletal (nerves, muscles, bones/joints) system. Chiropractic theory is based on the belief that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. People of all ages can benefit from Chiropractic Healthcare – from pediatrics to elders.
Chiropractors emphasize the importance of healthy lifestyles, do not prescribe drugs or perform surgeries. As a result, Chiropractic care is appealing to many health-conscious, risk-averse Americans. Nevertheless, chiropractic treatment has become the treatment of choice for pain in the neck, back and extremities and is utilized by millions of Americans as a means of maintaining optimal physical health.
Simply put, Chiropractic emphasizes care of the human frame. The skeleton and spinal column must be symmetrical, flexible, and aligned correctly for the body to function at an optimum level. Keeping a properly aligned, flexible spine enhances proprioception, promotes proper posture and mobility, all of which are essential to health.
Why get Chiropractic care?
Spinal alignment directly influences breathing, strength, coordination, and energy expenditure. If you have a rotated spine, high hip, or high shoulder, for example, you will need to expend more energy doing everyday, simple tasks like walking and lifting. As a result, you'll be prone to developing back pain. Therefore, it is no surprise that Elite athletes, whose jobs require Peak efficiency body mechanics, depend on Chiropractic to help gain an edge over the competition.
The poorly aligned spine is more susceptible to degenerative changes and injury due to uneven body weight distribution, which can erode discs and joints over time. In addition, abnormal spinal alignment and movement can cause dysfunction of tiny nerves called proprioceptors, which are responsible for back muscle coordination and reflexes. Research shows this to be a cause of lower back pain and degenerative joint disease.
Questions? Contact us.
Phone: (303) 665-9549
Fax: (303) 665-9546
1044 S 88th Street Suite 109
Louisville, CO 80027